
October 2020

Pre-Planning/Scoping Submission

We submit a ‘Scoping Request’ to the Scottish Government who seek views from statutory consultees on the level of study required for the project, such as South Ayrshire Council, NatureScot, SEPA and Scottish Forestry.


We also submit a Met Mast application (two possible locations for the installation of a single temporary, up to 90m, mast) in order to gather wind data on site.


The project then evolves as we receive feedback from all consultees, undertake technical studies and surveys and update the local communities and representatives, whilst following Scottish Government advice in relation to Covid-19.


Public Consultation Events

Virtual/online public consultation events held, following best practice guidance during the Covid-19 pandemic during 2021.

Face to face meetings resumed in 2022 and further community consultation will take place in the autumn of 2023 following the application submission.

June 2023

S36 Application Submission

Application documents submitted to the Energy Consents Unit, available in the Documents section of this website.